Conference – 21st and 22nd of March 2024
Nursing education for a sustainable future :
challenges and opportunities.
The next FINE Conference seeks to create a space for all stakeholders of nursing education, including students, clinicians and educators, to share, discuss and debate planning the future of nursing education in Europe from a sustainability perspective.
The conference focuses on the contribution of nursing education and educators to the development of a future-proofed nursing workforce, learning from the past, and embracing the possibilities of the future.
Conference website : https://www.uic.es/en/congress/fine-2024-challenges-and-opportunities
Conference posters
Posters are available by this Link .
March, 21 - Oral presentation - Auditorium
- Dr Susanne Kean – Exploring educators’ learning in an international nurse educator programme
- Raul Quintana Alonso – Importance of metacognitive competence for academic excellence in nursing educators
- Henriette Hansen – European platform for vocational excellence in Heath care
- Pr Leena Saminen – The future recommendations for nurse educators in Europe
- Anneli Vauhkonen – Occupational well-being and mental workload of health care educators in relation to professional competence
- Laia Wennberg – Nurse educators’ continuing education needs
March, 21 - Oral presentation - Classroom POA3
- Carlos Martinez-Gaitero – Co-creating the 4DPApp, a mobile learning technology in practice placement
- Dr Michelle Camilleri & Dr Sharon Martinelli – Unveiling transformative pedagogy
- Dr Sara Dentice – The post COVID-19 new graduate nurses
- Lien Beyls – NVAO’s overview report
- Frederike Lüth – Drop in the ocean or the start of something big?
March, 21 - Oral presentation - Classroom POA4
- Céline Labat Pommier – Favoriser l’excellence clinique
- Dra. Cristina Alfonso Arias – Safe medication management competence in clinical simulation in nursing students
- Lesley Gratrix – Preparing the educators to teach.
- Toni Haapa – A scoping review of instruments assessing competence of nurse educator
- Isabel Bayle – Nursing education for a sustainable future : Challenges and opportunities
March, 21 - Keynotes
March, 21 - Roundtables
March, 22 AM - Oral presentation - Auditorium
- Marielle Boissard – Accompagner l’évolution des sciences informières : un défi pour l’avenir du métier de formateur
- France Boyer – L’universitarisation de la formation en soins infirmier en France : Mythe ou réalité ?
- Audrey Chays-Amania – L’evidence-based practice en France
- Emelie Hecquet – L’universitarisation de la formation infirmière en France : un défi ou une opportunité pour ses acteurs ?
- Olivier Morenon – Développer des compétences de résilience en formation infirmière
- Guadalupe Sanchez-Rueda – Les soins infirmiers du point de vue des étudiants de première année de Diplôme de soins infirmier : perceptions et préférences
March, 22 AM - Oral presentation - Classroom I4
- Erika Bassi – Lessons learned in nursing education: a national survey
- Ariadna Graells Sans – Training Transversal skills in healthcare higher education.
- Lisa Wolter – How to promote interprofessional competencies in vocational and academic undergraduate nursing education sustainably
- Frederike Lüth – Interprofessional learning in clinical placements promotes students competencies
- Sara Pedregosa-Fauste – Nurses, midwives and students’ reports of effective dedicated education units in five european countries
March, 22 AM - Oral presentation - Classroom POA4
- Mateja Bahun – Partnership model at Angela Boskin Faculty of health care
- Mercedes Gomez del Pulgar – Ibero – Arerican consensus on communication skills for nursing degree students
- Dhurata Ivziku – Well-being and academic efficacy challenges for studying away from home students: prioritizing inclusivity
- Juan M; Meyva – Representing sexual and gender diversity using narrative photography in a transcultural nursing course.
- Dr Corinne Scicluna – Nursing students’ perceptions of the eportfolio experience in Malta
- Katarina Arial – Nursing students’ experience of lateral violence during clinical placements.
March, 22 - Keynotes
March, 22 PM - Oral presentation - Auditorium
- Marielle Boissart – Réforme de la formation infirmière initiale en France: promouvoir l’excellence clinique
- Laurence Bernard – Savoir émancipatoires et praxis infirmière: Défis cliniques et académiques
- Sophie Delvaux – Josephine Declaye – Développer les compétences non-techniques en réalité virtuelle
- Pascale Didry – Nathalie Dubois – Aroma-soins, une approche complémentaire de la médecine traditionnelle
- Sophie Evrard – Sensibiliser des étudiants à l’identification des violences conjugales durant la grossesse.
- Aurélie Tschaban – Au-delà de la compétence interculturelle infirmière… – part 1
- Aurélie Tschaban – Au-delà de la compétence interculturelle infirmière… – part 2
March, 22 PM - Oral presentation - Classroom POA4
- Marie Carney – Advanced nurse practitioner’s valuable role in nursing and sustainable healthcare globally
- Tony Haapa – Nursing research center – Supporting evidence-based clinical education at the HUS
- Satu Kajander-Unkuri – Nursing students’ compeetnce at graduation in six European countries
- Sanna Koskinen – Strategies for newly graduated nurses’ well-being at work
- Manana Machitidze – Clinical excellence in nursing – Ways to build a strong foundation
- Phenomenological investigation of nursing students’ experiences during clinical practice on surgical units
Scientific Committee :
- Cecile Dury, Belgium
- Dimitrios Theofanidis, Greece
- Pilar Fuster, Spain
- Carol Hall, United Kingdom
- Jane Laure Danan, France
- Anne Lekeux, Belgium
- Blanca Goni Fuster, Spain
- Cristina Alfonso, Spain
- Patricia Martinez, Spain
- Marian de Juan, Spain
- Mireia Llauradó, Spain
- Chairperson : Dr Maria Cassar, Malta